Four days in berlin at the University of Art in Berlin, hosted and lead in part by John von Dueffel and Szenisches Schrieben. We met with a group of international students, English, Swiss, German, Scandinavian, Mexican, Irish, French-Italian and our language was English. It was intense, a lot of writing and a lot of learning and I rather suspect that what was seeded there will reward in later praxis. I am certain it was rewarding for everyone and evaluations were all consistantly high there’s some evidence of this. That is: as part of the UdK’s Summer School initive it was deemed a great sucsess and it certainlly looks likely to happen next year.

For me personally I’ll always remember the light, cool even in the summer, shiny like cold water, shimmering on the PVC corridors of the great old Bundesalle buildings. How good it felt to be back there. My little blue alarm clock (bought in the closing down sale; Hertie, on Turm Strasse) counting down the days as it had done in the Burg Theatre in Vienna, or the DT Hamburg, out of place but right in place, as it is now at my bedside in Marsden. It seems to me, most of our students turned up with some idea of where they were and what they wanted, all of them left knowing where they were going and pretty sure of how to get there.

Pictures and info may still be at: