I got this e-mail today:
Many thanks for your submission to Equal Writes. Equal Writes has had a fantastic response to the call for submissions and we are very glad to inform you that ‘Medicine’ has been selected for performance at Tristan Bates Theatre on 11 March 2013.

I am especially thrilled to be included in this event as the brief is one that I have held a strong interest in for very many years.

My play SPACE, drew this remark from Dominic Gray, WHAT’S ON (1988): Paul Wyatt (as Dean) and Liz Ryder (as Pam in a performance that won her a Best Fringe Actress TIME OUT Award) are both excellent, merging affection and love with repression and dissapointment so that those oppositions become almost unbearable to watch. The play is very tightly wrought and builds to a breakneck speed, touching on areas most writers steer clear of and touching on them with awareness and care.”

You can find out all you need to know about Equal Writes by going to: http://equalwrites.co.uk/

“Women are 51% of the population and form 68% of theatre audiences yet recent statistics by The Guardian, Equity, FIA and Sphinx Theatre show a persistent 2:1 male-to-female ratio of roles for actors appearing on stage…
These statistics reflect the fact that the narratives of numerous women’s stories and identities are missing. While “all the world’s a stage” it is clear that many women are not seeing themselves represented; a wealth of their stories are to be uncovered, considered and made visible. Equal Writes will provide this opportunity within an environment uncluttered by present concepts of ‘market forces…’”